The IAEP is deeply saddened to announce the death of our friend, member and colleague Peter A. Zera, who passed away unexpectedly last week.
Pete was a dedicated member of IAEP Local 294 Hunters Ambulance for over seven years, eventually becoming a union steward and then IAEP National Representative as a result of his relentless efforts to make real progress for his EMS colleagues.
He is remembered for always going the extra mile for the people he served, championing Local successes tirelessly, and never missing an opportunity to push his union brothers and sisters to be better for themselves and for one another– usually with a winning smile and deadpan joke to go along with it.
More than this, Pete was a loving father, husband, son, brother, uncle, and friend. He is survived by his beloved wife, son, parents, sister, niece and nephew, as well as his Connecticut EMS family. Our hearts and thoughts remain with Pete’s loved ones in this difficult time.
Pete was a constant reminder that our work in the IAEP is good, and that what we do– no matter how big or small– matters to people. Pete always pushed us to be the best union we can be in New England and beyond. We will continue to do this good work in his honor and while carrying his memory, and we will miss him terribly.
For those who would like to provide any support they can to the Zera family, we encourage you to donate to and share this fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-peter-zeras-family-in-their-time-of-loss.